Adjective Order By Heather Wright › library-site › filesYou may hear people use a slightly different order when speaking; the order for adjectives listed is general, and some people may speak differently. Try a few of these exercises to practice using the correct adjective order. Place the adjectives in the correct order in each sentence. 1. The girl received _____ _____ gifts for her birthday.
(DOC) Adjective order exercises | Dennisse Jimenez - › 15309494Adjective Order - Exercises Article/ Opinio Shap Colou Origi Materi Purpos Numbe Size Age Noun r n e r n al e youn Englis the silly man g h two huge round metal bowls smal a red sleeping bag l Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Material Origin Purpose Nice Small Old Square Black Plastic British Racing Ugly Big New Circular Blue Cotton American Running Choose the correct adjective order.