Organic Agriculture › 14043/1/14043Is organic agriculture the answer to the sustainability problem? To ensure that organic agriculture is the answer to the sustainability problem, it has to be adapted to the local farming, social, geographical and climatic factors. The European form of organic agriculture, especially its current market-driven style, is not necessarily the most
What is Organic Farming? › sites › defaultOrganic Farming HDRA - the organic organisation page 12 Weed control In organic farming systems, the aim is not necessarily the elimination of weeds but their control. Weed control means reducing the effects of weeds on crop growth and yield. Organic farming avoids the use of herbicides which, like pesticides, leave harmful residues in the ...
Organic Farming › uploads › 2019Organic Farming for Health & Prosperity is a review of North American scientific literature concerning organic farming in the United States and Canada. The report examines the multitude of benefits that organic agriculture can provide and identifies the key ways in which agricultural policies in the United States could support organic farmers.
Teaching Organic Farming & Gardening › PDF-downloads › TOFG-allthe standards of the organic food industry through work with certification programs and retailers. One of the most important outcomes of the Apprenticeship is the ripple effect our graduates have working locally, nationally, and internationally to practice, promote, and teach sustainable, organic farming and gardening.