An Introduction to Organic Chemistry Introduction to Organic Chemistry 84 propyl -C 3H 7 propyl butyl -C 4H 9 butyl pentyl -C 5H 11 pentyl hexyl -C 6H 13 hexyl heptyl -C 7H 15 heptyl octyl -C 8H 17 octyl nonyl -C 9H 19 nonyl decyl -C 10H 21 decyl fluorine -F fluoro chlorine -Cl chloro bromine -Br bromo iodine -I iodo amine -NH 2 amino hydroxyl -OH hydroxy cyanide -CN cyano benzyl -CH 2C 6H 5 benzyl phenyl -C
An Introduction to Organic Chemistry › people › jonathanAn Introduction to Organic Chemistry 82 Organic Chemistry Organic chemistry is the study of compounds containing carbon with the exception of simple compounds e.g. carbonates (CO 3 2-), carbon dioxide (CO 2) and carbon monoxide (CO). Nomenclature There are over 6 million known organic compounds. Nomenclature is therefore very important.
Chemistry for High School Guide sample.pdfChemistry or igh chool - able o Contents Chemistry for High School Table of Contents Introduction Introduction to this Guide 7 An Explanation of the Sections 7 What a full Lab Report should include 10 More Information on Lab Reports 12 Adding Current Events into your Science Studies 13 The Scientist Biography Report 14