About - Norway Health Tech
https://www.norwayhealthtech.com/nb/aboutOm Norway Health Tech Norway Health Tech teller nærmere 270 medlemmer. Våre fokusområder er å legge til rette for FoU og industrisamarbeid mellom forsknings-, industri- og helsepersonell. Vi stimulerer og hjelper til med markedsdrevet innovasjon og legge til rette for kliniske studier, testing og verifikasjoner.
Frontpage - Norway Health Tech
www.norwayhealthtech.comJan 17, 2021 · From next year, the four health clusters in Norway will collaborate on a roadmap for companies looking at the American market. With over 700,000 health companies, the United States has the largest health industry globally. Viken County Municipality supports and enables the project for the health clusters. 10 December.
Oslo Edtech Cluster - Forsiden - Oslo EdTech Cluster
https://osloedtech.noVelkommen til Oslo Edtech Cluster, et nettverk for selskaper som jobber med læringsteknologi. Norsk edtech er i sterk vekst, det er høy aktivitet, og næringen får stor anerkjennelse internasjonalt. På kort tid har denne næringen rukket å telle over 80 norske selskaper med godt over 300 millioner brukere i hele verden.
Oslo - StartupEventsList.com
www.startupeventslist.com › startup-and-techOslo MedTech is a health technology cluster, provide co-working space at MedTech Growth House. Oslo EdTech Cluster is an industry cluster development, commercialization, and export of Norwegian learning technologies (EdTech). Oslo FinTech: a new cluster of FinTech startups that has recently organized Oslo Fintech Week.
Frontpage - Norway Health Tech
https://www.norwayhealthtech.com17.01.2021 · Norway Health Tech is on the forefront of identifying the newly arisen needs in the aftermath of the pandemic. We have therefore asked experts from around the globe to share their experience and knowledge with us when it comes to the long-term challenges of the pandemic. Covid19 has not been defeated yet.
About Oslotech - Oslo Science Park
www.forskningsparken.no › en › about-usBuild2Grow is a network, events and seminars for entrepreneurs and growth companies. Oslotech is also the initiator and supporter of various cluster development networks and projects like e.g. Oslo Medtech, The Life Science Cluster and BioVerdi (“BioValue” – a project working to increase growth in Norway’s biotech-intensive industries).