OUH - Ullevål node - ous-research.no
www.ous-research.no › alm-ullevalThe Core Facility for Advanced Light Microscopy, Ullevål is located at the Institute for Experimental Medical Research, 4th floor, building 7, Oslo University Hospital Ullevål. We offer services with confocal laser scanning microscopy as well as whole cell fluorescence in combination with microelectrode techniques.
OUH - DNA sequencing - ous-research.no
www.ous-research.no › sequencingThe core facility consists of two nodes working in close collaboration. One is located at the Department of Medical Genetics, Ullevål, OUS and the other at the Institute for Cancer Research, Radiumhospitalet, OUS. Both nodes are part of the national research infrastructure NorSeq. Together we provide competence and infrastructure for analysis ...
Forside - Oslo universitetssykehus
oslo-universitetssykehus.noTelefon sentralbord: (+47) 91 50 27 70 Aker: 22 89 40 00 Radiumhospitalet: 22 93 40 00 Rikshospitalet: 23 07 00 00 Ullevål: 22 11 80 80 post@oslo-universitetssykehus.no Postadresse foretaksledelsen: Oslo universitetssykehus HF, Postboks 4950 Nydalen, 0424 OSLO
Logg inn - Sykehuspartner
https://sykehuspartner.no/logg-innSlik kobler du deg på sykehusets nett hjemmefra via din jobb-PC (VPN): Brukerveiledning for VPN OUS (PDF). Brukerveiledning for VPN AHUS (PDF). Brukerveiledning for VPN alle andre helseforetak (PDF). Dersom du har problemer med å logge inn hjemmefra, vennligst se denne siden før du ringer Brukerservice. Slik kobler du deg på sykehusets nett hjemmefra via privat …