ownCloud: Base. ownCloud Docker base image. Quick reference. Where to file issues: owncloud-docker/base. Supported architectures: amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8. Inherited environments: owncloud/ubuntu, owncloud/php. Docker Tags and respective Dockerfile links. latest available as owncloud/base:latest; 20.04 available as owncloud/base:20.04; Default ...
The recommended way to get the Bitnami ownCloud Docker Image is to pull the prebuilt image from the Docker Hub Registry. ... To use a specific version, you can ...
DEPRECATED; use "owncloud/server" instead. ... Where to file issues: https://github.com/docker-library/owncloud/issues. Maintained by: the Docker Community.
ownCloud is an open-source file sync, share and content collaboration software that lets teams work on data easily from anywhere, on any device. It provides ...
Simple to use Docker container with the latest stable ownCloud server release, complete with all the bells and whistles. This project is 100% transparent and trustable, every file in the resulting docker image is traceable and inspectable by following up the docker image depenancy tree which starts with my Arch Linux base image.