Single Sign On - ownCloud · Single Sign-On. Manage user access through OpenID Connect atop OAuth2. SSO helps organizations to avoid duplicate efforts in user management. In harnessing OpenID Connect, ownCloud enables organizations to authenticate and authorize users with tokens based on existing user management data – without ever entering credentials in clients.
Einfaches, sicheres Filesharing - ownCloud · Syncing Faster: ownCloud Server 10.9 released. Dez 20, 2021. ownCloud Server 10.9 brings several major enhancements, among them speeding up initial sync, adding more control to file locking, version control and public sharing. Many of our applications such as Media Viewer, PDF Viewer, Windows Network Drive and ownCloud Web have received updates.
Single Sign On - ownCloud › features › single-sign-onSingle Sign-On. Manage user access through OpenID Connect atop OAuth2. SSO helps organizations to avoid duplicate efforts in user management. In harnessing OpenID Connect, ownCloud enables organizations to authenticate and authorize users with tokens based on existing user management data – without ever entering credentials in clients.
Fraunhofer-Allianz Cloud Computing · Der Auftrag der Fraunhofer-Allianz Cloud Computing. Cloud Computing, Virtualisierung und Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) stehen in allen Rankings der großen Researcher als Top-Themen ganz oben. Dass diese Themen mehr als nur ein Hype sind, ist inzwischen durch zahlreiche Anwendungsfälle und entsprechende Geschäftsmodelle nachweisbar.
D1.1 Project Handbook - ATLAS › wp-content › uploadsThe ATLAS ownCloud can be found at All relevant documents will be placed there within a dedicated folder structure. The template documents for the deliverables will also be placed on the ownCloud. User accounts for the ownCloud will be created by Fraunhofer.
Owncloud ist ein Werkzeug ähnlich Dropbox. Ein lokales Verzeichnis wird über einen Client (z.B. auf dem Projektrechner) auf den Server synchronisiert. Über diesen werden dann weitere Rechner (z.B. das Notebook) automatisch synchronisiert.
The Desktop App for efficient syncing - ownCloud › desktop-appDec 03, 2021 · Adapt the ownCloud Desktop App to your organization’s needs and corporate identity or ship it with individualized settings for your users. Our software-as-a-service offering, hosted securely in Germany. Ready in minutes. Access, share and edit files and folders on the go to boost your productivity on Android or iOS.
Fraunhofer ITWM
https://status.itwm.fraunhofer.deFraunhofer O365/Teams Operational. Fraunhofer ownCloud Operational. Fraunhofer Sprachdienst Operational. Fraunhofer Teamviewer Operational. Fraunhofer WebEx Operational. ITWM Artifactory. Operational. ITWM GitLab. Operational. …