The Desktop App for efficient syncing - ownCloud › desktop-appJan 17, 2022 · Connect to multiple ownCloud accounts with only one Desktop App to synchronize and access all your data. I. File manager context menu. Within the context menu you can access the key features like creating public and private links. I. Virtual File System. Transfer files to your hard drive only if and when they are being used with Virtual File ...
The Desktop-App for efficient syncing - ownCloud · Als AppImage herunterladen. I. Mehrere Konten. Verbinden Sie mehrere ownCloud-Konten mit nur einer Desktop-App, um alle Ihre Daten zu synchronisieren und darauf zuzugreifen. I. Dateimanager Kontextmenü. Im Kontextmenü können Sie auf die wichtigsten Funktionen zugreifen, wie z.B. das Erstellen von öffentlichen und privaten Links. I.
Server-Pakete herunterladen - ownCloud › de › download-serverownCloud server minimal. Die minimale Lösung des ownCloud-Servers und deren Komponenten. Installieren Sie das oben beschriebene Komplettpaket für alle verfügbaren Anwendungen und Erweiterungen sowie die einfache Enterprise-Testversion. Typ. Version. Download. Security Hash. ZIP Archiv (minimal) 10.9.1.
ownCloud - share files and folders, easy and secure
owncloud.comMar 10, 2022 · Give staff an easy, flexible and secure way to share files and folders. Safely involve contacts outside your organization with select documents. Share public links shielded by passwords and expiration dates. Say goodbye to slow VPN connections, unversioned documents attached to emails and shadow IT in public clouds of questionable security.
Download Server Packages - ownCloud › download-serverJan 13, 2022 · Source packages. The installation using the ownCloud zip or tarball is the most common option and is best for production environments. They contain all supported community and enterprise apps, so upgrading to Enterprise only requires a licence key. - Apps on Google Play › store › is the cloud for your business and offers state-of-the-art data security solutions that focus on your privacy and data protection. With the free app, you have your data at your fingertips at all times. Work conveniently and easily thanks to is hosted in Germany, ensuring the highest security ...