Writing Checklist- Deborah PDF
nspt4kids.com › wp-content › uploadsWriting Checklist Conventions ___ Periods are at the end of my sentences. ___ Question marks, commas, and quotations marks are in the right places. ___ Almost every word is spelled correctly. ___ I remembered to indent each paragraph. ___ Each of my paragraphs has one main idea. ___ I have used correct grammar. ___ My handwriting is legible.
Writing Checklists - Rockin Resources
rockinresources.com › wp-content › uploadsNarrative writing Paragraph checklist Narrative writing Paragraph checklist Narrative writing Paragraph checklist Narrative writing Paragraph checklist q Provided a topic sentence that introduces the story. q Used descriptive details. q Used transition words. q Organized to flow smoothly. q Provided a closing sentence to end the story.
Paragraph Writing Checklist
misslubbershomepage.weebly.com › uploads › 1/5/6Paragraph ! Writing Checklist!! Make sure to check your work before handing it in!! This is called “editing.” It is important to check or “edit” your work before turning it in. Editing will help you to avoid simple mistakes and become an even better writer!!!! Sometimes, it is helpful to have a trusted friend look over your work as well.
Paragraph Writing Criteria Checklist
portal.sd72.bc.ca › class › 9w1tg6hParagraph Writing Criteria Checklist My paragraph begins with a sentence that clearly states the topic. sentence that clearly states the Every sentence in the body of the paragraph clearly supports the topic. paragraph clearly supports the Transitions (links) between sentences are smooth and clear. I have used language appropriate for the topic.