Participle Clauses 1. Make a reduced relative clause. These sentences all need an active clause. 1) We broke the computer (the computer belongs to my father) [ . ] Check. Show. 2) The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper)
With Lingolia Plus you can access 6 additional exercises about Participle Clauses, as well as 867 online exercises to improve your English. Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.48). Learn more about Lingolia Plus here. Participle Clauses – Lingolia Plus Exercises.
We can use participle clauses when the participle and the verb in the main clause have the same subject. For example, Waiting for Ellie, I made some tea. ( While I was waiting for Ellie, I made some tea.) Participle clauses do not have a specific tense. The tense is indicated by the verb in the main clause.
Wenn du mit Participle Constructions einmal vertraut geworden bist, wird dir diese elegante ... Über 700 Lerntexte & Videos; Über 250.000 Übungen & Lösungen ...
27.12.2021 Interaktive Übungen zu Komparativen und Superlativen von Adjektiven. 27.12.2021 Übersicht: Grammatik. 27.12.2021 The present progressive II.
With Lingolia Plus you can access 6 additional exercises about Participle Clauses, as well as 867 online exercises to improve your English. Get 3 months membership for just €10.49 (≈ $12.48). Learn more about Lingolia Plus here. Participle Clauses – Lingolia Plus Exercises.
Replacing a Relative Clause by a Participle Construction. Replace the Relative Clause by a Participle Construction while keeping the rest of the sentence unchanged. (The first sentence is given as an example.) The boy who was waiting in the hall expected a phone call. Passengers who wanted to go to Liverpool had to change in Manchester.
Participle clauses: grammar exercises · Beschreibung · Den Zugriff auf das komplette Unterrichtsmaterial inklusive aller Texte und Informationen erhalten Sie mit ...
Participle clauses Various exercises on participle clauses ID: 287034 Language: English School subject: English as a Second Language (ESL) Grade/level: Upper-intermediate Age: 14+ Main content: Participles Other contents: Present participles Add to …
englisch:participles-sub-clauses-ft. Exercise: Participle constructions to replace relative clauses and adverbial clauses. Rewrite the following sentences using participle constructions.What’s special about the last sentence? The pupil who was sitting next to me looked really stressed.
Peter hurt his leg (do) karate. The umbrella (find) at the bus stop belongs to John Smith. The people (dance) in the street are all very friendly. I heard my ...
Participle Clauses Lessons. PDF Version of the Exercise. English Grammar Exercises. 1. Sam left school early because he felt sick. 2. The teacher was impressed by Daniel’s work, so she gave him the highest score. 3. Because he didn't study hard enough for his exam, Ryan couldn't pass it.
Participle Clauses 1. Make a reduced relative clause. These sentences all need an active clause. 1) We broke the computer (the computer belongs to my father) [ . ] Check. Show. 2) The man is in the garden (the man is wearing a blue jumper)
Past Participle Übungen in Klasse 9-10 ➤ Mit SCHÜLERHILFE durchstarten und ... Partizipialkonstruktionen - Participle Constructions, Present Participle.
Als Übung kannst du eigene Texte von dir durchgehen und einige adverbial clauses durch participle ... auch einen (non-)defining relative clause mit einer Partizipialkonstruktion ersetzen, wie die Beispiele ohne und mit participle clause zeigen: Beispiel. Hier klicken zum Ausklappen. Ohne (1) The boy who loves Juliet is a Montague. Beispiel ...
Participle Clauses Exercise Rewrite the sentences with participle clauses. 1. Sam left school early because he felt sick. 2. The teacher was impressed by Daniel’s work, so she gave him the highest mark. 3. Because he didn’t study hard enough for his exam, Ryan couldn’t pass it. 4.
Participle clauses can also follow prepositions or conjunctions: after, before, instead of, without, when, while, etc. This use of prepositions or conjunctions before participle clauses (mainly –ing participle clauses) is quite common: Remember to take your bags when leaving the bus. Instead of listening to me, Tom left the room.
Exercise on Present Participle Combining Clauses with Participle Constructions (Mix) Combine the clauses using participle constructions (Present Participle or Past Participle). The boy who carried a blue parcel crossed the street. The battle was fought at this place. The battle was very significant. She lay in her bed and wept bitter tears.
Participles, Participle constructions. He saw his friend (go) out with Sue. The bus crashed into the blue car (drive) down the hill. Peter hurt his leg (do) karate. The umbrella (find) at the bus stop belongs to John Smith. The people (dance) in the street are all very friendly. I heard my mother (talk) on the phone.
Present participles used to shorten relative clauses. Englisch Übung: Present Participle zur Verkürzung von Relativsätzen. Setze das richtige Verb als Present ...
Participle Clauses Exercise Rewrite the sentences with participle clauses. 1. Sam left school early because he felt sick. 2. The teacher was impressed by Daniel’s work, so she gave him the highest mark. 3. Because he didn’t study hard enough for his exam, Ryan couldn’t pass it. 4.