PatientSky 360 Cloud Platform
https://www.patientsky.comPowering the eHealth solutions of tomorrow. PatientSky provides a revolutionary and innovative cloud platform, enabling health professionals and partners to provide new, better, faster and cheaper patient care. Explore our partners.
PatientSky on the App Store › us › appPatientSky AS Designed for iPad 2.0 • 1 Rating Free Screenshots iPad iPhone Faster than ever! We’ve introduced a new way to book appointments, making it faster and easier to find the next available appointment at a clinic. You can easily get in touch with healthcare professionals through the PatientSky app.
PatientSky 360 Cloud Platform
www.patientsky.comPatientSky provides a revolutionary and innovative cloud platform, enabling health professionals and partners to provide new, better, faster and cheaper patient care. Explore our partners Grow your business with the power of the PatientSky 360 platform See solutions Key benefits with the 360 platform Reduced R&D costs
PatientSky brukermanual - PatientSky - Help
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PatientSky Clinic | Den nye generasjonen av journalsystemer
www.patientsky.noPatientSky Clinic Utviklet av fagpersoner for fagpersoner. Enkelt, smart og sikkert direkte på PatientSky-plattformen. Basic 599,- pr. mnd. pr. bruker Les mer Anbefalt for deg som har bruk for grunnleggende funksjonalitet. Brukes ofte av sekretær og annet helsepersonell. Bestill presentasjon Basic+ 899,- pr. mnd. pr. bruker Les mer