Conjugaison de venir - › conj › FrVerbs › v=v...passé simple. je, vins. tu, vins. il, elle, on, vint. nous, vînmes. vous, vîntes. ils, elles, vinrent. futur simple. je, viendrai. tu, viendras.
venir passe compose - Yahoo Search Results › reviewsThe Passe Compose in French is a form of the past tense. It is specifically used for actions that began and ended in the past. Literally translated, Passe Compose means composed past. It is a composed tense since it requires an auxiliary verb - avoir or etre and a past participle to form it.
Venir Conjugation In The Passé Composé [+6 Examples] › french-a2Venir Conjugation in the Passé Composé ; je, suis, venu – e ; tu, es, venu – e ; il/elle/on, est, venu – e ; nous, sommes, venu – e – s ; vous, êtes, venu – e – s.
VENIR au passé composé - Conjugaison-Verbe.Net est important de savoir comment conjuguer et surtout quand employer passé composé avec le verbe venir . Autres verbes qui se conjuguent comme venir au passé composé advenir, circonvenir, contrevenir, convenir, devenir, disconvenir, intervenir, parvenir, provenir, , redevenir, revenir, souvenir, subvenir, survenir, venir
Passé composé - Wikipediaé_composéThe passé composé is a past tense in the modern French language. It is used to express an action that has been finished completely or incompletely at the time of speech, or at some (possibly unknown) time in the past. The passé composé originally corresponded in function to the English present perfect, but now there is a tendency to use the tense for all completed actions in the past as the equi…