How to Conjugate the Verb "Mangiare" in Italian › how-to-conjugate-mangiare-4088404Jan 18, 2020 · Transitive, Impersonal, and Reflexive . As a transitive verb, mangiare is conjugated in its compound tenses with avere and its past participle, mangiato.But is is also a verb commonly used in the impersonal construction—the si impersonale (one, everyone, or we)—conjugated with the auxiliary essere: In Italia si mangia molta pasta (In Italy we eat/one eats a lot of pasta), or, Da noi non si ...
Coniugazione di mangiare - › conj › ItVerbs › v=m...passato remoto. io, mangiai. tu, mangiasti. lui, lei, Lei, egli, mangiò. noi, mangiammo. voi, mangiaste. loro, Loro, essi, mangiarono ...