Passive voice activities - ESL games Party. This is a fun activity to practise past simple activities with some damage related vocabulary. Give each student a copy of the Passive Party worksheet and gradually work through the examples. See how long it is until they can spot the pattern i.e., that the verb needed has the same first two letters as the protagonist’s name.
Passive voice activities - ESL games › passive-voice-activitiesPassive Party. This is a fun activity to practise past simple activities with some damage related vocabulary. Give each student a copy of the Passive Party worksheet and gradually work through the examples. See how long it is until they can spot the pattern i.e., that the verb needed has the same first two letters as the protagonist’s name.
Passive voice tenses speaking activities - Skyteach › wp-content › uploadsPassive voice speaking activities Created by Yulia Belonog for Skyteach Make three sentences using different passive forms. Two of them should be truth and one statement is a lie. Read your sentences and let your partner guess. Ask more questions to find out which sentence is a lie: How did that happen? How did you feel? Who were you mistaken by?