Passive Voice (B1) - PDF Worksheets › b1 › grammarPA008 - Passive Voice - Change from active to passive. PA007 - Passive Voice - Fill in the correct verb form. PA006 - Passive Voice - Make sentences using the tenses in brackets. PA005 - Passive Voice - Change from active to passive. PA004 - Passive Voice - Change from active to passive. PA003 - Passive Voice - Change from active to passive.
THE PASSIVE VOICE - INGLÉS › 2011 › 03To change a sentence from the active voice to the passive voice: the object of the active voice sentence becomes the subject of the passive voice sentence. Agatha Christie wrote this book. This book was written by Agatha Christie. we change the main verb of the active voice sentence into the passive voice. The tense remains unchanged.
Lesson 15: Passive Voice
2qdocg2za8g336a8w21fo83z-wpengine.netdna-ssl.comLesson 15: Passive Voice In the active voice, the subject of the sentence DOES the action: Jake wrote a letter. subject / verb / object In the passive voice, the subject of the sentence is acted upon: A letter was written (by Jake). subject / verb Notice that the object of the active sentence (letter) became the subject of the passive sentence.
Complex Test Passive in English - Answers › en › downloadPassive voice - Test 2 - Answers - page 1 Passive voice - Test 2 - Answers . A - What tense are the following Passive sentences? 1) The new computer chip will be produced in Dresden. a) Simple Present b) Simple Past c) Present Perfect d) will-future . 2) The old vessel was being towed into harbour. a) Simple Past b) Past Progressive