Narrative tenses - CAMBRIDGEMB 2021 › pdf › NarrativeTensesNarrative Tenses Use the past simple for completed actions in the past which tell the main event in a story. I picked up the phone and ordered a pizza. When I saw the boy coming towards me, I said hello. She took a deep breath, tried to calm down and then spoke. Use the past continuous a) to set the general scene of a story
Lesson 8.Narrative Tenses › uploads › 3/7/8Past Continuous Tense 6 Lesson 8. Narrative Tenses The Past Continuous Tense. As with all continuous tenses, the past continuous gives the idea of activity and duration. The past continuous is used: 1. to describe the situation in which the events of the narrative occurred. When I woke up at 8am (1) the sun was shining (2) and the birds were ...