Past Tense of "Read" - · Read (past tense) is a verb. It means that in the past, you (or another subject) looked at, interpreted, and comprehended some written text. Reed is not a verb either. In its noun form, a reed is a long, grassy plant that grows in a marsh or a thin blade of cane or metal that is used to play certain instruments.
What is the Past Tense of Read? | The Word Counter › past-tense-of-readDec 01, 2020 · The correct simple past tense of the verb to read is just “read.” According to WordHippo, while the present tense of the verb is “to read” (with the third person plural being “reads”), the past tense is also read, but it is pronounced “red” rather than “reed”. The confusion inherent in the grammar does pretty much come down to the pronunciation at the end of the day with this irregular verb.