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pepsi origine

Why is Pepsi Called Pepsi? | Rewind & Capture
https://www.rewindandcapture.com › ...
After a short stint as a teacher, he opened a drug store in downtown New Bern, North Carolina. Like many drug stores at the time, The Bradham ...
Pepsi - Wikipedia
Pepsi was first introduced as "Brad's Drink" in New Bern, North Carolina, United States, in 1893 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his drugstore where the drink was sold. It was renamed Pepsi-Cola in 1898, "Pepsi" because it was advertised to relieve dyspepsia (today more commonly known as indigestion or an upset stomach) and "Cola" referring to the cola flavor.
Pepsi-Cola - Wikipedia
Nel 1898 la bevanda viene ribattezzata Pepsi-Cola, nome derivante dalla radice del termine dyspepsia e dalla nocciola frutto dell'albero di cola contenente caffeina utilizzata nella ricetta. Già nel 1903 Bradham superò i confini della piccola cittadina di New Bern e …
Pepsi - Wikipedia
https://no.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pepsi
En norsk Pepsi-lastebil kjørt av Ringnes. Pepsi (også kalt Pepsi-Cola) er en amerikansk kullsyreholdig brus produsert av PepsiCo. Den er hovedkonkurrenten til ...
Pepsi: This is the origin of its name and its rivalry with ...
www.memesita.com › pepsi-this-is-the-origin-of-its
Aug 18, 2021 · Pepsi: This is the origin of its name and its rivalry with Coca-Cola August 18, 2021 by memesita Science is more present in our lives than we think; sometimes we have it in front of us, bubbly and fizzy, and we don’t even realize it. However, two of the most popular soft drinks in the world are due to the inventions of two pharmacists.
Pepsi : tout savoir sur cette marque
https://www.bible-marques.fr › pepsi
Pepsi (anciennement Pepsi-Cola) est un soda créé aux États-Unis en 1893, soit 7 ans après son éternel concurrent, Coca-Cola.
L'Histoire de Pepsi - Pepsi - Alex Coulombe ltée
pepsi-alexcoulombe.com › fr › entreprise
L’histoire de Pepsi-Cola se distingue par un succès phénoménal attribuable à deux facteurs essentiels : le goût unique du produit ainsi que l’innovation constante de la compagnie en matière de marketing et de publicité.
Pepsi — Wikipédia
Pepsi, anciennement Pepsi-Cola, est une marque de cola, créée par Caleb Bradham en 1893 à New Bern (Caroline du Nord) aux États-Unis. Elle est commercialisée par la société PepsiCo.
Pepsi : origine et signification de la marque - Origima
https://www.origima.fr › pepsi
Pepsi. signification et origine du nom. En 1898, le pharmacien Caleb D. Bradham cherchait un nouveau nom pour sa « Brad's ...
Histoire et signification du logo Pepsi - Logaster
30.04.2020 · Pepsi a été créé et commercialisé par Caleb Bradham en 1898. La boisson qu’il créa chez lui était vendue sous le nom “Brad’s Drink”. En quête d’un plus large public, il l’a renommée “Pepsi-Cola”. Il l’a fait pour identifier deux importants ingrédients de la boisson, la pepsine (une enzyme digestive) et les noix de cola.
Full Form of Pepsi (Name Origin) | FullForms
fullforms.com › Pepsi
Pepsi is a carbonated soft drink that is produced and manufactured by PepsiCo. Pepsi was first introduced as “Brad’s Drink” in New Bern, North Carolina, United States, in 1898 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his home where the drink was sold. It was later labeled Pepsi Cola, named after the digestive enzyme pepsin and kola nuts used in the recipe.
PepsiCo, Inc. | History & Facts - Encyclopedia Britannica
https://www.britannica.com › topic
The first Pepsi-Cola was created by Caleb D. Bradham (1866–1934), a pharmacist in New Bern, North Carolina. Hoping to duplicate the recent success of Coca-Cola, ...
About the Company - PepsiCo
https://www.pepsico.com › about
The roots of PepsiCo Beverages North America (PBNA) go back to 1898, when Caleb Bradham, an entrepreneur from New Bern, North Carolina created Pepsi-Cola and ...
The History of Pepsi Cola - ThoughtCo
https://www.thoughtco.com › histo...
The original formula for what would become Pepsi Cola was invented in 1893 by pharmacist Caleb Bradham of New Bern, N.C. Like many pharmacists ...
L'Histoire de Pepsi - Alex Coulombe ltée
https://pepsi-alexcoulombe.com › ...
Les origines du Pepsi-Cola remontent à 1896, année où le pharmacien Caleb D. Bradham, de New Bern en Caroline du Nord, crée un mélange spécial de soda ...
L'Histoire de Pepsi - Pepsi - Alex Coulombe ltée
Les origines du Pepsi-Cola remontent à 1896, année où le pharmacien Caleb D. Bradham, de New Bern en Caroline du Nord, crée un mélange spécial de soda nature à base de sirop.
La lunga e tortuosa storia della Pepsi Cola
12.08.2019 · La formula originale per quella che sarebbe diventata la Pepsi Cola fu inventata nel 1893 dal farmacista Caleb Bradham di New Bern, NC Come molti farmacisti dell'epoca, gestiva una fontana di soda nella sua farmacia, dove serviva bevande da lui stesso create.
Pepsi — Wiktionnaire
Pepsi \pɛp.si\ masculin Boisson gazeuse, née en 1903 aux États-Unis et commercialisée par la société PepsiCo . Marie-Claude commande deux steamés et deux Pepsi. Moins de cinq minutes plus tard, la serveuse dépose devant elles deux assiettes dont émane un arôme divin. — (Joanna Goodman, Le Pavillon des orphelines, Place des éditeurs, 2019, chap. 46)
History of Pepsi-Cola | Pepsi Born in the Carolinas
www.pepsiborninthecarolinas.com › history
History of Pepsi-Cola Where we started In the small town of New Bern, North Carolina, local pharmacist Caleb Bradham invented the original formula of what would become Pepsi-Cola. First called “Brad’s Drink,” this popular beverage was crafted with a mix of sugar, water, caramel, lemon oil, kola nuts, nutmeg, and other additives. May 1893 Pepsi-Cola
History of Pepsi
https://www.historyofbranding.com › ...
There are several theories on the origin of the word “pepsi”. The only two discussed within the current PepsiCo website are the following: 1) Caleb Bradham ...
Pepsi : tout savoir sur cette marque
09.04.2021 · pepsi (anciennement pepsi-cola) est un soda créé aux états-unis en 1893, soit 7 ans après son éternel concurrent, coca-cola. à l'époque, le pharmacien caleb d. bradham l'avait imaginé comme une boisson pouvant traiter les problèmes de digestion grâce à l'utilisation de la noix de kola, mais les clients de sa pharmacie l'appréciaient également …
Pepsi - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Pepsi
Pepsi was first introduced as "Brad's Drink" in New Bern, North Carolina, United States, in 1893 by Caleb Bradham, who made it at his drugstore where the drink was sold. It was renamed Pepsi-Cola in 1898, "Pepsi" because it was advertised to relieve dyspepsia (today more commonly known as indigestion or an upset stomach) and "Cola" referring to the cola flavor.