The basic sharing model in Nextcloud follows a flat model where users are in control of the sharing. Any file or folder can be individually shared and access permissions can be configured. New files show up in the home of users whom you share with. They can rename these folders if they like, or put them where they want to optimize their own ...
An ERROR when bringing up the container, specific to the config directory. If I remove the ./nextcloud/config:/var/www/html/config volume mount above, ...
21.05.2017 · That might cause the trouble. For now use @cromulus workaround. We'll have to double check this, because the example directory is also outdated. If you just started using nextcloud in docker please read the persitant data section of #53 carefully. You have to add the whole /var/www/html folder as volume/mount, too.
In our case, we are mounting the nfs volume localy on the docker host, then mounting the folder inside the containers. We are running with oracle-linux 7, with SElinux enable.
volumes/nextcloud/db_backup:/backup. There are two containers, one for the cloud service itself, and the other for the database. Both containers share the ...
I'm trying to create a custom Nextcloud config locally, then have the ability to mount it to the appropriate folder using volumes as defined here: ...
I'm getting a permission denied when attempting to create or mount at /Volumes on my mac. I'm an admin and I can do both of those things with sudo, but I don't understand why I have to use sudo on this mac but not on other macs in my office. /Volumes > mkdir foo mkdir: foo: Permission denied
29.12.2017 · Now I really messed up. I was sitting fiddling with permissions (in the freenas UI) on my volume containing both the jail, files and db folders for my nextcloud installation. I accidentally wrote permission root/wheel 770 on the whole volume where the nextcloud folders is, …
25.05.2018 · When trying to set up nextcloud it keeps telling me that it can't connect to the database, or that password authentication failed for user 'postgres'. (I can connect via psql so the username/password is correct) version: '3.5' services: ...
09.03.2020 · I don't know if it can be considered a bug, but I invested several days to be able to use the docker image with the volumes on NFS (synology) without great results. My env: Docker version: 19.03.7 Docker image: nextcloud:18.0.1-apache In...
When using sudo to allow edits to files, I regularly get 'permission denied'. For example, my mouse is jittery and sluggish, so I want to disable polling: sudo echo "options drm_kms_helper poll=N...
03.07.2018 · I have a small vm running docker it only has a 20gig SSD which is more than enough for the OS + SWAP + Docker and the container images. But now I want to run a nextcloud docker image on that host.