6 Types of Pessimism - Simplicable
https://simplicable.com/new/pessimism18.06.2018 · Defensive Pessimism While pessimism is often portrayed as a personality trait, it can also be a purposeful strategy. For example, defensive pessimism is the process of reviewing a strategy, decision, design, plan, state, action or outcome as critically as possible in order to identify issues and risk.This may be coupled with extremely optimistic processes such as …
Wald's maximin model - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wald's_maximin_modelIn decision theory and game theory, Wald's maximin model is a non-probabilistic decision-making model according to which decisions are ranked on the basis of their worst-case outcomes – the optimal decision is one with the least bad worst outcome. It is one of the most important models in robust decision making in general and robust optimization in particular.
Hurwicz Criterion - Leonid Hurwicz
https://www.leonidhurwicz.org/hurwicz-criterionThe Hurwicz Criterion. The Hurwicz Criterion, presented in a paper in 1951, is probably the earliest novel contribution to the field of economics for which Leo has been recognized. It provides a formula for balancing pessimism and optimism in decision-making under uncertainty – that is, when future conditions are to some extent unknown.