Pexip - Video Conferencing Solutions for Secure Video Meeting ...
www.pexip.comPexip provides a seamless user experience across platforms and systems -- with the flexibility and control you need. High-quality video meetings that integrate with existing technology, tools and workflows for a seamless user experience. Build your own vertical applications to engage customers using open APIs and customizations.
DN Investor!/Aksje/S1351/PEXIP/PexipHoldingGjennom selskapet eier han ytterligere 1,191 millioner aksjer i Pexip. Pexip skal mandag 10. januar legge frem sine årlige gjentagende inntekter (ARR) for fjerde kvartal 2021. Selskapet så en kurstopp i februar 2021 på kurs 117,48 kroner aksjen, og har siden den gang falt 66 prosent. Etter børsåpning torsdag faller Pexip 4,4 prosent. PEXIP HOLDING
FORSAMLING I PEXIP HOLDING ASA PEXIP HOLDING ASA › Public › 19292FORSAMLING I PEXIP HOLDING ASA MINUTES FROM ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING IN PEXIP HOLDING ASA Ordinær generalforsamling i Pexip Holding ASA ble avholdt den 20. mai 2021 kl. 16:30. An annual general meeting of Pexip Holding ASA was held at 16:30 CET on May 20, 2021. Styrets leder ønsket alle velkommen og General Counsel Beate Nygårdshaug åpnet
Pexip - Emneside | DN · Den tidligere alpinisten Aksel Lund Svindal (38) har kjøpt aksjer for 19,6 mill. i Pexip, mens kursen har rast over 50 prosent. – Vi… 07.10.2021 Flatt på Oslo Børs – landoppdrettsselskap faller tungt Hovedindeksen beveger seg sidelengs torsdag, mens landoppdrettselskapet Atlantic Sapphire faller tungt. 07.10.2021
PEXIP HOLDING (PEXIP) aksje | Nordnet › market › stocks15.12.2021, 14:31 · Cision. Pexip AS: Mandatory notification of trade by Primary Insiders. 9.12.2021, 07:00 · Oslo Børs. Pexip Capital Markets Day 2021 - Targeting market leadership in USD 5 billion segment of the video market. 6.12.2021, 10:00 · Oslo Børs. Reminder - Invitation to Pexip Capital Markets Day. 6.12.2021, 10:00 · Cision.
DN Investor!/Aksje/S1351/PEXIP/PexipHoldingStrategidirektør og primærinnsider Tom-Erik Lia har kjøpt 12.000 aksjer i videokonferanseselskapet Pexip til kurs 37,93 kroner, ifølge en børsmelding. Kjøpet for 455.160 kroner ble gjort via Lias selskap Lia Investments, og han har etter handelen 1,44 millioner Pexip-aksjer, samt rettigheter til å kjøpe ytterligere 60.000 aksjer. PEXIP HOLDING
Pexip Holding A aksjekurs - Morningstar › stock...Resultatoppstilling. Salgsinntekter, 215,04, 369,95, 678,51. Driftsresultat, 17,85, 31,86, 51,45. Årets resultat, 38,72, 12,24, -89,01. Resultat per Aksje ...
Pexip Pricing, Alternatives & More 2022 - Capterra › p › 156957Pexip is the web conferencing platform that empowers your organization of any size with face-to-face video communication and collaboration. Enable video collaboration on any device, technology and location, while retaining full ownership of your data. Utilize high-quality video without the need for software or plugin installs.
Ticker: PEXIP | Finansavisen Forum 16:41: Pexip 706 Arodan 12.01.2021; Forum Ticker Siste Innlegg Svar Lest Av; IKT og Tech: PEXIP 13:35: Increased its ARR with 73% year-on-year to USD 81.9 million 1024 jaja22 04.01.2021; Forum Ticker Siste Innlegg Svar Lest Av; IKT og Tech: PEXIP 16:58: PEXIP- Pexip har sikret seg ny kontrakt ( 580.000 dollar. pr år) 18875 Gappo: 23.12 ...
Videxio and Pexip Announce Merger Approval › blog1 › pexip-videxioJan 14, 2019 · Videxio and Pexip, both leading players in the enterprise collaboration market, today confirmed that their proposed merger has received regulatory, shareholder and Board approval. The merger became effective as of 28th December and the newly registered joint company is called Pexip. “We are excited to confirm that the proposed merger is now a ...
About Us | Enhanced Video Conferencing Solutions | Pexip › aboutPexip is the result of a merger in 2019 between a company called Pexip (founded in 2012), specializing in video infrastructure and Videxio (founded in 2011), a cloud video service provider. The respective companies were started by a group of visionary industry veterans. Based on their extensive experience from video conferencing, they saw the ...