DNS via DoH and/or pfSense Resolver : PFSENSE
www.reddit.com › r › PFSENSECurrently I have the pfSense resolver set up to work as a local DNS server. When I don't have a DNS query cached however, can I make sure to force the lookup to be DoH / over TLS? Or will that go over port 53 per normal? If I can't do that, would it be better to disable running DNS myself and forcing it to use DoH?
DNS over TLS with pfSense
www.netgate.com › blog › dns-over-tls-with-pfsenseApr 03, 2018 · Thanks to Unbound, the built-in DNS resolver, which has been enabled by default since pfSense version 2.3, makes configuring DNS over TLS a very simple task with pfSense. Note: This guide applies only to DNS resolver. Forwarding mode must be disabled in the DNS resolver settings, since the example below defines its own forwarding zone. Step 1
How to block DoH and DoT? : PFSENSE - reddit
www.reddit.com › r › PFSENSEto block dot you can just block port 853. I don’t know how to block doh because it looks like typical https traffic by design. 6. level 2. bojack1437. · 1y · edited 1y. As stated above port 853 will take care of DoT. You can at least partially block DoH by blocking Port 443 with the destination IP (alias) of all the well-known DoH servers.
Block DNS over HTTPS (DoH), using pfsense
jpgpi250.github.io › piholemanual › doc- DOHipv4.txt: This list contains the IPv4 addresses of al DoH servers found in the lists. - DOHexceptionsIPv4.txt: This list contains the IPv4 addresses of DoH servers, that also provide a service or content on the same Ipv4 address. - DOHipv6.txt: This list contains the IPv6 addresses of al DoH servers found in the lists.