Overview | USF Health
health.usf.edu › pharmacy › graduate-programsGraduate Programs offers the Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology degree, 5 different graduate certificate programs, PharmD/M.S. concurrent degree program, and a wide range of elective course options. Highlights of the M.S. in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (MSPN) Program include:
Overview | USF Health
https://health.usf.edu/pharmacy/graduate-programsHighlights of the M.S. in Pharmaceutical Nanotechnology (MSPN) Program include: Flexible course offering – ability to complete courses 100% online or on campus 32 credits total, can be completed in a fast as 1 year Ability to start any time (Fall, Spring, or Summer terms) Opportunity to pursue a broad range of career paths
Overview | USF Health
https://health.usf.edu/pharmacy/researchThe goals of the Department are: Deliver high quality basic and translational research and drive technology for healthcare needs. Develop leadership in the areas of basic and translational pharmacogenomics, nanotechnologies, drug discovery, and bioinformatics that lead to advancement of healthcare.