The Philippine Journal of Crop Science › journals-uplb › indexMay 16, 2021 · The Energy Cost of Cambodian Lowland Rice Grown Under Different Establishment Methods. Sem Savuth, Teodoro C. Mendoza, Roselyn F. Paelmo, Carmelita M. Rebancos. 58-69. pdf. Fuel Properties of Charcoal Briquettes Derived From Combinations of Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Husk and Bitanghol-Sibat (Calophyllum soulattri Burm. f.) Bark.
CSSP – Crop Science Crop Science Society of the Philippines is organized to promote human welfare through the discovery and dissemination of knowledge concerning nature, utilization, improvement and interrelationships of plants and their environment, and not …
Philippine Journal of Crop Science
philippjcropsci.comThe Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS, abbreviated as Philipp J Crop Sci) publishes original papers on all aspects of crop science and technology, be it in research, instruction, training or extension. Manuscript may be a research report, review, lecture, or policy statement. This reflects the perspective of its publisher, the Crop ...
Philippine Journal of Crop Science
https://philippjcropsci.comThe Philippine Journal of Crop Science (PJCS, abbreviated as Philipp J Crop Sci) publishes original papers on all aspects of crop science and technology, be it in research, instruction, training or extension. Manuscript may be a research report, review, lecture, or policy statement.