Phoentic alphabet › raf-phonetic-alphabetPhoentic alphabet The phonetic alphabet helps us tell letters apart when we’re communicating. Letter Code word Letter Code word A Alpha N November B Bravo O Oscar C Charlie P Papa D Delta Q Quebec E Echo R Romeo F Foxtrot S Sierra G Golf T Tango H Hotel U Uniform I India V Victor J Juliett W Whiskey K Kilo X X-ray L Lima Y Yankee M Mike Z Zulu
phonetic A C B alphabet - Outside Open › wp-content › uploadsphonetic alphabet With this NATO alphabet chart you will no longer use “M as in Mancy” during a support call with your mom, or while defusing a bomb. international morse code The world’s first digital code. The length of each letter’s code corresponds to the frequency of that letter’s usage in Morristown, New Jersey’s newspaper in 1837.