Resource Phonetics (task field) › en-us › officeThe content of the Resource Phonetics field for tasks is similar to the Phonetics field for resources. However, the Resource Phonetics field can be used for multiple resources. Best Uses Add the Resource Phonetics field to a task sheet when you want to display or filter phonetic information for resource names. You can use the Resource Phonetics field to provide for proper sorting and pronunciation.
Talk:Phonetics - Wikipedia en m and Nardog: since you both have been active on this article lately (but obviously any page watchers are welcome to weigh in too). The article is getting rather long (and once vowel content is added, will be getting longer), and I've been thinking about moving some of the content to main articles like consonants or places of articulation and then summarizingthe content here to try and get the length down. On the other hand I think the article is a really comprehensiv…