If that echo is not appearing, the problem is before you start using PHPMailer. You need to narrow this down further - comment it all out, gradually uncomment ...
01.08.2016 · i cant send mail from my server using phpmailer here is the example code ` <?php /** * This example shows making an SMTP connection with authentication. */ //SMTP needs accurate times, and th…
03.12.2015 · I built a droplet with Ubuntu with DigitalOcean and I'm trying to configure it to send emails with SMTP. I know DigitalOcean blocks SMTP over IPv6 but not over IPv4 so I disabled IPv6 as this post ...
24.06.2018 · Thank you for your quick answer ! I guess that was it, because I have now an issue with PHPMailer not founding Exception (Kirby CMS Debugger tells me : Class 'PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception' not found, even though I added Exception.php to my folder and require it in my phpmailer-driver.php file ) ; but at least phpmailer service is found now !
Please provide full debug output. And note, If email was delivered to mailserver successfully, the problem is outside PHPMailer and with email server config
27.03.2017 · I have a vds machine. I am trying to send an email using PHPMailer. My codes, work in localhost. But in server, it does not work. Also it returns true which means sent. But no email in my mailbox. I tried different mail extensions like h...
27.05.2020 · PHPMailer doesn’t work on infinityfree but works in localhost using XAMPP here it is the error: Invalid address: (to): Message could not be sent.Mailer Error: You must provide at least one recipient email address. T…
SMTP connect() failed. https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer/wiki/ ... but nevertheless the problem persists, I don't know what to do since the same thing ...