26.11.2017 · Answers: If you want to have the check from the terminal, you can run. pip3 show package_name. and if nothing is returned, the package is not installed. If perhaps you want to automate this check, so that for example you can install it if missing, you can have the following in your bash script: pip3 show package_name 1>/dev/null #pip for Python ...
You should use pip's listcommand with grep, that only lists installed packages (not all modules and their neighbours as well): pip list | grep -F package_name If package_name matches multiple installed packages e.g. searching for botowhen botocoreis also installed, then using -winstead of -Fcan help, as @TaraPrasadGurung suggests.
Using pip to find Python list installed modules and their Versions: To find the list of Python packages installed on the system, you can use pip program. Those who don’t know about pip, it is the best program which is used to install and to manage other Python packages on your system.
So for example if I wanted to change my change my Django package version I would use the pip3 command and not pip like so, pip3 install Django==3.0.11. Notice When running checking the packages version for python: $ python -m django --version and python3: $ python3 -m django --version , two different versions of django will show because I installed django v3.0.11 with pip3 …
To check which version of a given package is installed, use the pip show <your_package> command. For example, to check the version of your NumPy installation or ...
Shell/Bash answers related to “check if pip package is installed command line”. install packages with pip from python · list all packages installed with pip ...