Pipelines | Grafana Labs
https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/clients/promtail/pipelinesA pipeline is used to transform a single log line, its labels, and its timestamp. A pipeline is comprised of a set of stages. There are 4 types of stages: Parsing stages parse the current log line and extract data out of it. The extracted data is then available for use by other stages. Transform stages transform extracted data from previous stages.
Pipelines | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › latest › clientsA pipeline is comprised of a set of stages. There are 4 types of stages: Parsing stages parse the current log line and extract data out of it. The extracted data is then available for use by other stages. Transform stages transform extracted data from previous stages. Action stages take extracted data from previous stages and do something with them. Actions can:
Stages | Grafana Labs
https://grafana.com/docs/loki/latest/clients/promtail/stagesStages. This section is a collection of all stages Promtail supports in a Pipeline. Parsing stages: docker: Extract data by parsing the log line using the standard Docker format. cri: Extract data by parsing the log line using the standard CRI format. regex: Extract data using a regular expression. json: Extract data by parsing the log line as ...
Stages | Grafana Labs
grafana.com › docs › lokiStages. This section is a collection of all stages Promtail supports in a Pipeline. Parsing stages: docker: Extract data by parsing the log line using the standard Docker format. cri: Extract data by parsing the log line using the standard CRI format. regex: Extract data using a regular expression. json: Extract data by parsing the log line as JSON.