Planet 2021
https://planetbudapest.huA Planet Budapest 2021 Fenntarthatósági Expó és Világtalálkozó Közép-Európa első fenntartható fejlődéssel foglalkozó rendezvénye. A Fenntarthatóság Univerzuma - Világtalálkozó szakembereknek és politikai döntéshozóknak november 29. és december 2. között a Hungexpo „C” pavilonjában.
Planet Budapest 2021 Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit is a joint event of the Visegrád Countries on sustainable development. It aims to raise awareness of adverse environmental, social and economic practices among the general public, especially young people, and to show that these negative changes, which overshadow the future of humankind, are still reversible.
Planet Budapest 2021 · Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo Opening ceremony. Pavilion A. 05:45 - 07:15. Session 2: Climate Change – From Threats to... Pavilion C. 05:50 - 07:00. Section 1: The economic impacts of the COVID pandemic...
Planet 2021 Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit can be visited free of charge, but entry is subject to prior registration. Participation in the Summit is by prior invitation only. You can register with the link and code included in the invitation, and after successful registration a photo badge entitling you to enter will be issued.
Planet Budapest 2021 › eventsNov 29, 2021 · Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo Opening ceremony. Pavilion A. 05:45 - 07:15. Session 2: Climate Change – From Threats to... Pavilion C. 05:50 - 07:00. Section 1: The economic impacts of the COVID pandemic...
Planet Budapest 2021 › enPlanet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit is a joint event of the Visegrád Countries on sustainable development. It aims to raise awareness of adverse environmental, social and economic practices among the general public, especially young people, and to show that these negative changes, which overshadow the future of humankind, are still reversible.
Planet 2021 be advised that according to the current Hungarian legislation, including the government decree on the specific emergency rules related to the organization of the Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit, entry into Hungary is not possible more than 48 hours before the starting date of Planet Budapest 2021 (29 November 2021).
Planet 2021 Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit is not just a one-week event. The aim of its dreamers is to run as a continuous and exciting sustainability magazine and news source, in addition to the main event series.
Planet Budapest 2021 – HunIndoTech„A green step closer” – Student project contest 2021. The Embassy of Hungary in Jakarta announces the „A green step closer” – Student project contest 2021 in order to promote the Planet Budapest 2021 Sustainability Expo and Summit.During the competition, participants will be required to prepare a concept and presentation on how would they use sustainable …
Planet 2021
planetbudapest.huA Planet Budapest 2021 Fenntarthatósági Expó és Világtalálkozó Közép-Európa első fenntartható fejlődéssel foglalkozó rendezvénye. A Fenntarthatóság Univerzuma - Világtalálkozó szakembereknek és politikai döntéshozóknak november 29. és december 2. között a Hungexpo „C” pavilonjában.