Polish Television Online - PlanetaPL
planetapl.tv › en{:en}Dost?pna w ka?dym miejscu na ?wicie. Potrzebne jest jedynie internetowe po??czenie. Ponad 100 polskich kana??w. Najnowocze?niejsze technologie – internetowa telewizja IPTV. Kolekcja ponad 1500 film?w w jako?ci HD. Filmy klasyfikowane s? wed?ug gatunk?w{:}
my.planetapl.tv2. Planetapl.tv collects data for the purpose of fulfilling the service and sale agreements and for commercial and tax purposes (data is kept for no longer than 10 years). 3. Planetapl.tv has the right to use personal and other data in the following cases: a) when requested by the authorities;
Planeta Payner on the App Store - Apple Inc.
apps.apple.com › us › appPlaneta TV is the most popular musical television, fully dedicated to one of the well-known genres, not only in Bulgaria, but in the whole Balkan region – pop-folk. Created in 2001, Planeta TV has 3 channels in her portfolio - Planeta, Planeta Folk and Planeta HD. All three channels are launching 24…
Polska Telewizja Online - PlanetaPL
https://planetapl.tv{:en}Dost?pna w ka?dym miejscu na ?wicie. Potrzebne jest jedynie internetowe po??czenie. Ponad 100 polskich kana??w. Najnowocze?niejsze technologie – internetowa telewizja IPTV. Kolekcja ponad 1500 film?w w jako?ci HD. Filmy klasyfikowane s? wed?ug gatunk?w{:}
https://my.planetapl.tv2. Planetapl.tv collects data for the purpose of fulfilling the service and sale agreements and for commercial and tax purposes (data is kept for no longer than 10 years). 3. Planetapl.tv has the right to use personal and other data in the following cases: a) when requested by the authorities;