jupyter-plotly-dash · PyPI
https://pypi.org/project/jupyter-plotly-dash06.01.2021 · After installation, launch a python Jupyter notebook server using jupyter notebook or jupyter lab as desired. Create a Dash application, using the JupyterDash class instead of dash.Dash for the application, and copy the following into a code cell and evaluate it. from jupyter_plotly_dash import JupyterDash import dash import dash_core ...
Data App Workspaces - Plotly
plotly.com › dash › workspacesThe creator of Jupyter was Plotly's first advisor, and Plotly was the first corporate sponsor of nteract. We're champions for the Jupyter notebook products and community. With Data App Workspaces, you can bring Jupyter notebooks into your corporate environment through Dash Enterprises's secure, scalable platform.