Polymer - Journal - Elsevier
https://journals.elsevier.com/polymerPolymer is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing innovative and significant advances in Polymer Physics, Chemistry and Technology. We welcome submissions on polymer hybrids, nanocomposites, characterisation and self-assembly. Polymer also publishes work on the technological application of polymers in energy and optoelectronics.
Polymer(Korea), Vol. 29, No. 4, pp 350-356, 2005
www.cheric.org › PDF › PKDemo Polymer(Korea), Vol. 29, No. 4, pp 350-356, 2005 350 1. 1960 Charnley .1, 50 µm ( ) (poly(methyl methacrylate), PMMA) ,
https://kppolymer.en.ecplaza.netKorea Polymer Company Limited was established in 1997 by experts as an expert in the field of engineering plastics industry despite the difficult environments began the crisis of the IMF in 1997 and Korea Polymer Company Limited was registered supplier to some of the largest corporations in Korea, including POSCO, Hyundai Heavy Industries, and Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics.
한국고분자학회 - Polymer
https://www.polymer.or.kr19.01.2014 · 2021.11.09. · [구인] 한국고분자학회 직원 채용 공고 [채용마감 11월 19 (금)] 2021.11.05. · [구인] 서울시립대학교 융합응용화학과 전임교원 초빙 (2022학년도 상반기) 2021.10.25. · [구인] 이화여자대학교 나노바이오·에너지 소재 센터 전문연구요원 모집. 2021.10.25. 기술지 ...
Polymer(Korea), Vol. 29, No. 2, pp 161-165, 2005
www.cheric.org › PDF › PKDepartment of Polymer Science & Engineering, Dankook University, Seoul 140-714, Korea (Received November 19, 2004;accepted February 7, 2005) Me,Ph Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane(D 4 ) 1,3,5-trimethyl-1,3,5-triphenylcyclotrisiloxane(D
journal.polymer-korea.or.kr › journal › journalPolymer(Korea) is an official journal published bimonthly by the Polymer Society of Korea. The journal covers a wide range of the highly multidisciplinary fields of polymer science, engineering,and technology. The manuscript can be written in either Korean or English.