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pop tab urban dictionary

Urban Dictionary: Pop Tags
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Pop Tags
26.03.2009 · When you kill somebody for street credibility. Originates from soldiers who wud take the identification tags off of enemies they killed during wartime in order to show them off or keep them as souveniers.
can tab - Urban Dictionary
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When someone gives you a can tab with the middle still intact it means that person thinks youre hot and has a crush on you. You should feel very special if you ...
Pop Tab: what is it? What does it mean?
www.definder.net › Pop_Tab
Pop Tab - definition A metal peice on the top of cans of pop/soda/juice. It is used to open the can with ease. Pop Tabs are so handy it would be hard to open pop without them. 👍 285 👎 97 Pop Tab - slang If you are given a pop tab, you owe the giving person a free kiss, or something sexual of their choice
What is Pop Tab? - meaning and definition - Slang Define
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Pop Tab - 1. A metal peice on the top of cans of pop/soda/juice. It is used to open the can with ease. Pop Tabs are so handy it would be hard to open pop ...
Urban Dictionary: A-Pop
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Oct 06, 2019 · Urban Dictionary: A-Pop A-Pop short for "american pop" includes all genres coming from north america. includes english pop, hip-hop, r&b, ballad, country, edm, chill, rock, punk, blues, jazz, electronic, rap, soul and many more. a-pop artists often go on tours over the world, attend music shows and win music awards.
Tab - Urban Dictionary
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Abbreviation for tablature, the chords and riffs for playing a song writen out for guitar or bass. "I love that song "Santeria" by Sublime, I gotta get the tabs ...
Urban Dictionary: intact pop tab
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=intact pop tab
giving someone an intact pop tab means that they now have to kiss you... no matter what
Urban Dictionary: Pop Tags
www.urbandictionary.com › define
Mar 26, 2009 · Urban Dictionary: Pop Tags Pop Tags When you kill somebody for street credibility . Originates from soldiers who wud take the identification tags off of enemies they killed during wartime in order to show them off or keep them as souveniers. I could pop these songs, just like I pop tags ..." Juelz Santana by Lucca Brassi March 26, 2009 Flag
Pop tab - Urban Dictionary
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if someone gives you a pop tab that has the bottom part broken, you owe them a kiss however if the bottom part isn't broken you guys have to fuck. John gave me ...
Urban Dictionary: Soda tab
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Soda tab
19.06.2021 · When someone gives you a soda tab with the middle part intact you have to kiss them.
What do Soda Can Tabs mean on TikTok? Secret ... - HITC
https://www.hitc.com › 2021/08/14
For example, if you get the 'kiss' soda tab, it means you'll get a kiss from someone you fancy in the next few days. The TikTok video below ...
what does the soda can tab mean - SRCH søkemotor
Pop tab - Urban Dictionary. https://www.urbandictionary.com › ... A metal peice on the top of cans of pop/soda/juice. It is used to open the can with ease. Pop Tabs are so handy it would be hard to open pop without ... Don't Believe This Viral TikTok Soda Can Tab Myth - Mashed.
intact pop tab - Urban Dictionary
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giving someone an intact pop tab means that they now have to kiss you... no matter what.
Urban Dictionary: tab
23.04.2003 · 1) Acid (LSD) 2) Cigarettes in Newcastle Upon Tyne
Heart shaped soda tab - Urban Dictionary
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When someone gives you a soda tab in the shape of a heart glued together (with both middle parts intact) it means they are asking you to be their ...
fuck tab - Urban Dictionary
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The top of a soda/pop/coke can given to someone indicating that the giver would like to fuck the receiver. If the receiver returns it to the giver, the giver ...
Urban Dictionary: pop a cap
https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=pop a cap
15.04.2007 · To fire a gun, usually at someone. Refers to the fact that guns fire when the trigger is pulled and causes a firing pin to literally "pop" an explosive cap attached to the end of a bullet, causing the bullet to spiral out of the grooved barrel at tremendous speed.
pop tabs meaning - SRCH søkemotor
20.02.2020 · Pop tab collection became a sort of competition, a team sport played against the opposition of time. My friends and I would scrounge around bars, pulling pop tabs off abandoned beer cans, drawing questioning glances from the unenlightened.
What do Soda Can Tabs mean on TikTok? Secret meaning ...
14.08.2021 · The soda tab either has a big hole at the bottom, which means ‘hug’, a semi circle with a smaller hole underneath it, which means ‘kiss’, or just a semicircle hole, which means ‘sex ...
Urban Dictionary: A-Pop
06.10.2019 · short for "american pop" includes all genres coming from north america. includes english pop, hip-hop, r&b, ballad, country, edm, chill, rock, punk, blues, jazz, electronic, rap, soul and many more. a-pop artists often go on tours over …
Urban Dictionary: Pop tab
www.urbandictionary.com › define
Nov 15, 2019 · Pop Tab A metal peice on the top of cans of pop/soda/juice. It is used to open the can with ease. Pop Tabs are so handy it would be hard to open pop without them. by TheGreenLing June 5, 2007 Flag Get the Pop Tab mug. intact pop tab giving someone an intact pop tab means that they now have to kiss you... no matter what
Urban Dictionary: tab
www.urbandictionary.com › define
Apr 23, 2003 · 1. A 'tab' (small square) of paper soaked in LSD acid. 2. A hard, long-distance march done with kit. Common in the Army and especially British SAS. 3. The place in Australia to bet. Totaliser Agency Board (TAB). Similar to Off Track Betting (OTB), but handle's sports betting aswell. 1. "You got any tab's left." 2.
Soda tab - Urban Dictionary
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a slang for ecstasy to avoid getting caught by law enforcement or parents. Bill did so much tab soda he thought Julia was a 16th century Dutchess and began to ...
Urban Dictionary: The Tab
www.urbandictionary.com › define
Mar 25, 2004 · Tab 1) In younger teenage crowds, usually schools, tab is synonymous with pop tab. These are collected, used as jewelry, or exchanged for kisses/sexual favors (depends on the individuals involved). If you want to give a tab to someone without the implicit stigma, the tab is dropped to be retrieved by the individual recieving it.