How To Set Up Port Forwarding - Portforward
portforward.comJul 18, 2017 · A port forward is a way of making a computer on your home or business network accessible to computers on the internet even though they are behind a router. It is commonly used in gaming security camera setup voice over ip and downloading files.
Port Forwarding in Your Router · A port forward is a way of allowing specific traffic through your router. By default, routers allow traffic to leave your network without any problems. They also act as a firewall and prevent unwanted traffic from coming into your network from the internet. A port forward is a rule in your router that directs specific incoming traffic to a ...
c# - .NET SSH port forwarding - Stack Overflow · I've been trying to get this working, and it looks like you can leave the localhost off the port ForwardedPortLocal call - the disadvantage is that then any IP can connect to the SSH server on port 10000 and it will be forwarded to that's not a security problem in your case you're fine - otherwise you'll need to figure out your local hostname or IP and put that …