Docker VM on Proxmox (rancherOS/Portainer) › docker-proxmoxAug 29, 2020 · From Rancher’s Booting from ISO docs, install the Proxmox VE ISO (latest download). Add that to your Proxmox ISOs, and create a new VM with your preferred RAM/storage/etc. Set the boot CD to your rancher ISO. Startup the new VM and you’ll be dropped into a rancher shell. Install to hard disk/configure Next we’re going to install rancher to disk.
GitHub - whiskerz007/proxmox_portainer_lxc › whiskerz007 › proxmox_portainer_lxcMar 26, 2020 · Portainer in Proxmox LXC container Many benefits can be gained by using a LXC container compared to a VM. The resources needed to run a LXC container are less than running a VM. Modifing the resouces assigned to the LXC container can be done without having to reboot the container. Packages that are installed to not interfere with the Proxmox OS.
Docker VM on Proxmox (rancherOS/Portainer) · Docker VM on Proxmox (rancherOS/Portainer) Intro LXC containers are great, but even so I often find myself wanting to quickly spin up docker projects I find online. Below is my preferred method of hosting and managing docker containers on my proxmox homelab. RancherOS I like Rancher OS because it is minimal and designed exactly with docker in mind.