03.02.2017 · February 3, 2017. 1. Rancher Portainer Shipyard. In the lab, we wanted to set up a Docker Swarm for testing purposes. With Docker engine post 1.12 (current version is 1.13 as of this writing) setting up a swarm …
Between the two, portainer is much better for managing docker stuff, so if you're not using cockpit already I would just use portainer. Portainer is just a UI to manage docker containers, you still deploy containers the usual way with a docker-compose file and the docker-compose CLI command. 3. level 1. DoTheEvolution.
Feb 03, 2017 · February 3, 2017. 1. Rancher Portainer Shipyard. In the lab, we wanted to set up a Docker Swarm for testing purposes. With Docker engine post 1.12 (current version is 1.13 as of this writing) setting up a swarm and joining nodes is incredibly simple. We even showed how to setup a Docker Swarm on a Windows 10 workstation in a few minutes.
When comparing Portainer and Shipyard, you can also consider the following products ; Kubernetes - Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker ...
21.03.2018 · Portainer. 2. Kitematic. 3. Shipyard. 4. DockStation. Please note that al l the utilities I’m describing here are mainly intended for developers’ use. …
Find how Portainer and Shipyard fare against each other in the Containers And Microservices industry. Slintel is now a part of 6sense! Read our CEO’s thoughts on …
We do a quick 5-minute overview of three Docker Swarm management GUIs: Rancher, Portainer and Shipyard. All three were running on the same four nodes simulta...
27.04.2019 · This post will cover a comparison between the 2 most famous Container GUI: Portainer vs Rancher. Not everyone knows that Portainer and Rancher had a common point in the past. In fact, from version 1.5 Rancher released a default UI to manage Swarm: Portainer. From release 2.x Rancher focused more to Kubernetes (with its clustering tools) and no ...
13.11.2021 · Portainer and Rancher both share a lot of similarities in that both software are self-hosted container management control tools that help DevOps teams to get started with Kubernetes. However besides these similarties, there are a number of clear differences. Rancher released a default UI to manage Swarm like Portainer from version 1.5.
Dec 21, 2010 · The limitation seems to be that it interacts with the Docker API, which has deprecated an array of options otherwise available via CLI. I have not yet tried Rancher or Shipyard. After some quick read up on them, they seem to be more focused on swarm based configuration, although Portainer can handle that too.
Mar 21, 2018 · Portainer — a tool for Docker containers configuration and management. This is a Web application. It beats Kitematic and Shipyard in terms of functionality and configurability. Website: https ...
29.10.2018 · Shipyard - shipyard · shipyard Portainer - Portainer | Simple management UI for Docker I was going to setup a little swarm cluster in the lab this weekend and was wondering what folks are using. M. Marsh Moderator. May 12, 2013 2,484 1,303 113. Jan 28, 2017 #2 Rancher all the way.
03.02.2017 · We do a quick 5-minute overview of three Docker Swarm management GUIs: Rancher, Portainer and Shipyard. All three were running on the same four nodes simulta...
I've been running Portainer for a bit of time now and have just begun to check out Rancher. It seems like it mostly does all the same things, but I'm curious what people's opinions are between the two. Honestly, I mostly run my Docker containers via Compose or run scripts on my main Docker host, but I figured it'd be a good idea to play around with some new stuff.
What is Portainer? It is a universal container management tool. It works with Kubernetes, Docker, Docker Swarm and Azure ACI. It allows you to manage containers ...