NeRF++ - 知乎 - 知乎专栏参数化后的所有坐标都在[-1, 1],方便配合positional encoding。理解的话按照球面投影即可,推导属于比较简单的几何知识,不记录。 值得记录的是最后提的3个OPEN CHALLENGES: "the training and testing of NeRF and NeRF++ on a single large-scale scene is quite time-consuming and memory-intensive.
mip-NeRF - Jon Barron We use integrated positional encoding to train NeRF to generate anti-aliased renderings. Rather than casting an infinitesimal ray through each pixel, we instead cast a full 3D cone.For each queried point along a ray, we consider its associated 3D conical frustum.
mip-NeRF - Jon Barron › mipnerfTypical positional encoding (as used in Transformer networks and Neural Radiance Fields) maps a single point in space to a feature vector, where each element is generated by a sinusoid with an exponentially increasing frequency: Here, we show how these feature vectors change as a function of a point moving in 1D space.
GitHub - ankurhanda/nerf2D: Adding positional encoding to the ... › ankurhanda › nerf2DApr 03, 2020 · nerf2D is a 2D toy illustration of the Neural Radiance Fields. It shows how adding the gamma encoding (also referred to as positional encoding and Eq. 4 in the NeRF paper) improves results significantly. The task is to reconstruct an image (pixel colour values) from its 2D coordinates. The dataset consists of tuples ( (x, y), (r, g, b)) where the input is (x, y) and output is (r, g, b).