Possessive Adjectives in French | Study.com
study.com › possessive-adjectives-in-frenchHere are all of our choices for possessive adjectives, based on the subject in question: Je = mon, ma, mes (mohn, mah, mey/meyz) Tu = ton, ta, tes (tohn, tah, tey/teyz) Il/Elle = son, sa, ses...
French Possessives Adjectives Come in Many, Many Forms
https://www.thoughtco.com/french-possessive-adjectives-136879819.10.2019 · This difference between English and French possessive adjectives can be particularly confusing when using him, her, or it. Son, sa, and ses can each mean his, her, or its, depending on the context.For example, son lit can mean "his bed," "her bed," or "its bed" (for example, the dog's).If you need to stress the gender of the person the item belongs to, you can …