Possessive Pronouns exercises - Übungen. Englisch Übungen für Possessive pronouns (my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their) mit Regeln, Beispielen und Lösungen. PDF exercises. Englisch Arbeitsblätter für Possessivpronomen (Possessivbegleiter) mit einfachen Beispielen zum Online-Lernen mit Erklärungen. Possessive Pronouns exercises für ...
Die Possessivbegleiter (Possessive determiners) Setze die passenden Possessivbegleiter ein! (Put in a possessive determiner - my, your, his, her, its, our, their-). D She’s my best friend. He r name is Becky. D Your cat is nice, Sarah. D They are the Millers. That’s their house. D The monster is over there. But my / its friends are here.
exercise 2: choose the correct form of the possessives ( ‘s, s’, ‘ ) exercise 3: choose ‘s or of; exercise 4: make phrases with ‘s or of; Useful pages. exercises for practising possessive pronouns (my/ mine/ of mine etc.) exercises for practising countable and uncountable nouns / singular and plural; More useful pages. 1 English verb form
Possessive Adjectives - Exercise 1. Fill in my, your, his, her, its, our, their. 1. I don't know the time because I can't find watch. 2. What's the boy's name? name is Ben Scott. 3. Debbie has got a cat. cat is very lively. 4.
Independent possessive pronouns are used alone, without a noun. Our online exercises for English help you to learn and practice grammar rules in an interactive manner. To make sure that you understand the correct answers, our answer keys offer simple explanations as well as handy tips and tricks.
Possessivpronomen, Possessivbegleiter im Englischen – Übung Aufgaben- Nr. 3118 Wähle aus den Vorgaben den Possessivbegleiter (Possessivpronomen, das als Adjektiv verwendet wird) aus.
Englisch Arbeitsblätter für den s genitive mit Beispielen zum Online-Lernen mit Erklärungen. S Genitive rules and exercises. Übungen für Klasse 5, Klasse 6, ...
Possessive pronouns or Possessive determiners – Exercise 1 Task No. 3129 Choose either the possessive pronoun or the possessive determiner from the drop down menu.
Erklärungen und interaktive Übungen zum Thema "Grammatik - Wortarten und ... is also the of-genitive that you can use to express a possessive relation:.
Possessive Adjectives - Exercise 1. Fill in my, your, his, her, its, our, their. 1. I don't know the time because I can't find watch. 2. What's the boy's name? name is Ben Scott. 3. Debbie has got a cat. cat is very lively. 4.
Die possessive adjectives entsprechen den besitzanzeigenden Fürwörtern, auch Possessivbegleiter genannt. Sie werden verwendet um zu zeigen, dass eine Sache ...
Possessive: -’s / -s’ Level Intermediate ANSWER KEY My Notes 1. The student’s pen is on the table. 2. The man’s car is in the garage. 3. My friends’ party was fun. 4. The women’s kids are playing. 5. India’s population is very large. 6. The children’s mother is over there. 7. My sisters’ friends are interesting. 8.