possessives - grammar
www.grammar.com › possessivesHere's the rule for nouns: Form the possessive of all singular nouns, even those ending in ‑s by adding “apostrophe ‑s.” Many writers make the mistake of adding just an apostrophe to form the possessive of singular nouns ending in ‑s. This is rule 1, page 1 of Strunk & White's The Elements of Style. Thus, the following are correct:
Gentitve s English grammar
first-english.org › english_learning › englishEnglish Genitive s Possessive ’s exercises. Genitive s Possessive ’s with free online exercises, examples and sentences, questions and Genitive s Possessive ’s negative sentences. Online exercises English grammar and courses Free tutorial Genitive s Possessive ’s. English Genitive s Possessive ’s exercises. English grammar easy to learn.
possessives - grammar
https://www.grammar.com/possessivesFont size: One of the distinctive features of the noun is its ability to own something, to possess something. We show this act of possession by adding a possessive ending, typically an “apostrophe ‑s” ( Fred's report) to a singular noun and “just an apostrophe” to a plural noun ( the persons' rights) (but children's toys ).