Grammar test – Possessives Do the test then write down your score. 1. Choose the correct sentence! Read the sentences and underline the correct one. 1. a. I …
possessives adjectives - Test. 1) We’ve got a dog. (Nasz) dog is brown. a) Her b) My c) Their d) His e) Your f) Our 2) He is my cousin. (jego) name is Michael. a) My b) Your c) His d) Her e) Our f) Their 3) They are brothers. Ana is (ich) sister.
Learn how to use possessive adjectives in English (my, your, his, etc.). This is an English grammar lesson for beginners or elementary students (level A1 ...
Do the exercises below on possessive adjectives and click on the button to check your answers. (Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson ...
Possessive Case - Grammar Quiz. Choose the correct possessive case and click the question tag (?) next to it. If your answer is correct, a smilie is shown. If it's wrong, a red cross (X) appears and you have to try as often as only one answer is left. Click on the arrow to go to the next question. You get a score which is expressed as a percentage.
Test 3: Possessive pronouns · Did you find mark trainers? · That's mark favourite film. · Are those comics mark ? · I enjoyed learning about mark lives. · The ...
Home / Grammar / Nouns / Possessives Quiz. Please don't park there. That is the employee of the ______ parking place. months'. month's. months. month. Check.
28.09.2020 · A possessive noun means a noun that possesses or which owns. In simple terms, which possess something. A possessive noun is created by adding an apostrophe to the noun. Take this quiz to test your grammatical skills by identifying the regular and irregular plural possessive form of nouns. Read the questions carefully and answer. So, let's try out the quiz. …
English Online Exercise on Possessives in English with Explanation. Task No. 3453. Write the correct form of the possessives into the gaps. Show example
Possessives. We can use possessives to say who things belong to. I've got a pen. My pen is red. We've got a car. Our car is fast. She likes her teachers. How to use them. To say who things belong to, we use: I = my you = your he = his she = her it = its we = our they = their. Possessives go before the noun or the adjective. Did you find your pen?
Possessives - Test. Fill in all the gaps, then press "Check" to check your answers. You will see your score as a percentage after you have finished. OK . Related Content. Possessive adjectives - grammar exercise. Possessive pronouns - grammar exercise. Pronouns and possessives - multiple choice exercise .
Possessive 's. There are 10 questions in this quiz. Read the grammar explanation below. Answer the questions. 1. Which sentence is correct? That's Bobs car.