Mathematics - University of California, San Diego › courses › MATHA continuation of recursion theory, set theory, proof theory, model theory. Turing machines. Undecidability of arithmetic and predicate logic. Proof by induction and definition by recursion. Cardinal and ordinal numbers. Completeness and compactness theorems for propositional and predicate calculi. Prerequisites: MATH 160A or consent of instructor.
https://logictools.orgProving a classical predicate logic formula means showing that it is inevitably true under any circumstances. The current toolkit uses the high-performance reasoner gkc, which belongs to the family of resolution-based theorem provers trying to find a contradiction from the negation of the formula. The prover ...
Program Details : University Catalogs : University of Minnesota › pcas › viewCatalogProgramFoundations of discrete mathematics. Sets, sequences, functions, big-O, propositional/predicate logic, proof methods, counting methods, recursion/recurrences, relations, trees/graph fundamentals. Advanced topics in discrete structures as time permits. prereq: [MATH 1271 or MATH 1371 or MATH 1571H], honors student.
Predicate Logic - Stanford University tautologies of predicate logic are analogs of tautologies for propo-sitional logic (Section 14.6), while others are not (Section 14.7). Proofs in predicate logic can be carried out in a manner similar to proofs in propositional logic (Sections 14.8 and 14.9). In Section 14.10 we discuss some of the implications of predicate logic as to our
Mathematics (MAT) < uOttawa › en › coursesA basic graduate course in mathematical logic. Propositional and Predicate logic, Proof theory, Gentzen's Cut-Elimination, Completeness, Compactness, Henkin models, model theory, arithmetic and undecidability. Special Topics (time permitting) depending on interests of instructor and audience.