Handout 5 – The Semantics of Predicate Logic
www.bu.edu › linguistics › UGThe semantics of Predicate Logic does two things. It assigns a meaning to the individuals, predicates, and variables in the syntax. It also systematically determines the meaning of a proposition from the meaning of its constituent parts and the order in which those parts combine (Principle of Compositionality). For the
Predicate Logic: Semantics
cs.uwaterloo.ca › lec13_pred_semantics_solThe semantics of a predicate formula Given a well-formed formula of predicate logic, does the formula evaluate to F or T in some context? Example: What does (P(a)∨Q(a,b))mean? The symbols P,Q,a, and bdo not have intrinsic meanings. In propositional logic, a truth valuation is enough to assign a meaning to a formula.
Predicate Logic Syntax and Semantics
www.logicthrupython.org/chapter07.pdfPredicate Logic Syntax and Semantics Propositional Logic, which we studied in the first part of this book up to this point, is not rich enough by itself to represent many common logical statements. Consider for example the simple syllogism: All men are mortal, some men exist; thus, some mortals exist.
Semantics for Predicate Logic: Part I
www.princeton.edu › handouts › semanticsSemantics for Predicate Logic: Part I Spring 2004 1 Interpretations A sentence of a formal language (e.g., the propositional calculus, or the predicate calculus) is neither true nor false. By definition, an interpretation ofasentenceofaformallanguageisaspecificationofenoughinformation to determine whether that sentence is true or false.