List of Prepositions - English Grammar Revolution › list-ofA aboard, about, above, according to, across, after, against, ahead of, along, amid, amidst, among, around, as, as far as, as of, aside from, at, athwart, atop. B barring, because of, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, besides, between, beyond, but (when it means except ), by, by means of. C circa, concerning.
Preposition Matching Picture Cards (Teacher-Made) can be used to support the use and understanding of prepositions. For example they can be used to play pairs, matching or print off multiple sets to play Go Fish. A set is also provided with words only. Prepositions used are: on, under, next to, above, behind, over, in, between, below, beside and in front of. Read More...
Prepositions - Grammar - Academic Guides at Walden University › grammar › prepositionsPrepositions of Spatial Relationships. To refer to a spatial relationship, use the prepositions "above," "across," "against," "ahead of," "along," "among," "around," "behind," "below," "beneath," "beside," "between," "from," "in front of," "inside," "near," "off," "out of," "through," "toward," "under," and "within."