17 The Preposition • Practice 1
www.jessamine.k12.ky.us › userfiles › 102817 The Preposition• Practice 1 A preposition relates a noun or a pronoun to another word in the sentence. PREPOSITIONS with We ordered pizza without meatballs. instead of Exercise 1 Identifying Prepositions. Circle the preposition(s) in each sentence below. The number in parentheses indicates the number of prepositions in the sentence.
9 Prepositions - Cengage
ngl.cengage.com › GW-Foundations-Unit-9The basic meaning is the same as when the prepositional phrase is near the end of the sentence. ACTIVITY 8 . Writing Sentences that Start with Prepositional Phrases. Write each sentence again. Move the last prepositional phrase to the beginning of your new sentence. Be careful with capitalization, word order, and punctuation. 1.