28.03.2012 · Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositional phrases. Answers 1. I would rather have coffee instead of tea. 2. In spite of the rains, we
Put in the correct preposition · 1) She paid for lunch. advance, so we don't need to pay now. · 2) I went to the wrong house. mistake. · 3) Please make sure that ...
Answers · 1. Except for Jane, they all seemed pretty cordial. · 2. To a great extent, cancer is curable. · 3. The train was late. · 4. Apart from the starter, I ...
1. On the fifth day of each month, Mr. Brown collects all of the reports from his students in every class except the last one. 2. Take the child to the store on ...
A prepositional phrase is a group of words that lacks either a verb or a subject, and that functions as a unified part of speech. It normally consists of a preposition and a noun or a preposition and a pronoun.. Remember the following rules for prepositional phrases and you will find that using them becomes much easier.
Buoyed by an array of breath-of-fresh-air exercises and a treasure chest of hard-to-beat fun activities, our prepositional phrases exercises cement their position as an unputdownable set. Tell between adjective and adverb prepositional phrases.
Identify prepositional phrases and how to use them! Identify prepositional phrases and how to use them! If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked.
Prepositional Phrase Exercises ; Come. with me. Home; Over ; the chair sat mouldering in the attic. Sad to say,; For one hundred years ; I gave the children pizza ...
Go to the main prepositions exercises page. Need more practice? Get more Perfect English Grammar with our courses. Welcome to Perfect English Grammar!. Welcome! I'm Seonaid and I hope you like the website. Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.contact me if you have any questions or comments.
Prepositional phrases exercises · 1. Mary is the living-room the moment. · 2. You can find this book our library. · 3. I have found this bird the forest. · 4. I was