Notes On Prepositions - Introduction and Usage - ICSE ... show direction, position, time, and, place. (i.e., in, on, over, up, down, to, with, above, below) 2. Prepositions can also show the relationship of one part of a sentence, or clause, to another part of the sentence. Example: She lives near the school. (The sentence shows the relationship of where she lives to the school) 3.
Prepositions Exercises for Class 9 ICSE with Answers - A ... · The following are all prepositions: above, about, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, beyond, by, down, during, except, for, from, in, inside, into, like, near, of, off, on, since, to, toward, through, under, …