Present Continuous Tense Definition, Affirmative, Negative ... › tenses › present-continuousDec 24, 2021 · Interrogative Sentences: When you use the Present Continuous Tense to form interrogative sentences, you need to put the auxiliary verbs am, is, and are at the beginning of the sentence. If there is a question word (Why, Which, Who, Where, Whose), the sentence is placed behind this word.
THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE INTERROGATIVE FORM ... › wp-content › uploadsTHE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE AFFIRMATIVE FORM NEGATIVE FORM INTERROGATIVE FORM EXAMPLES FULL FORM I, You, He, She, It, We, You, They have been running SHORT FORM I, You, We, You, They ‘ve been running FULL FORM I, You, We, You, They have not been running SHORT FORM I, You, We, You, They haven’t been running YES/NO QUESTIONS Have I ...