El "present perfect continuous" se refiere a un periodo temporal inespecífico situado entre el pasado y el presente. El hablante se refiere a algo que empezó y ...
18.10.2021 · 2. How to use Present Perfect Continuous Tense. 2.1. Expressing an action that started in the past and is still happening in the present, emphasizing the duration of the action (How long) She has been working for the same company for 30 years. 2.2. Describe an action that is temporary or may be about to change.
Se usa el Present Perfect Continuous cuando se quiere destacar una acción, la cual comenzó en el pasado y todavía continúa: · También se emplea para un proceso ...
Spesso il present perfect & present perfect continuous possono essere usati indistintamente e ciò provoca non poca confusione a chi studia l’inglese.Entrambe le forme verbali indicano un’azione avvenuta nel passato che mantiene una connessione col presente: nel caso del present perfect l’azione è terminata rispetto al momento in cui si parla ma i risultati si vedono nel …
El presente perfecto continuo, muchas veces tiene la equivalencia a la traducción “llevar + gerundio” en español, pero el uso de esta forma es más frecuente ...
Read about how to make the present perfect continuous tense here. Download this explanation in PDF here. 1: To say how long for unfinished actions which started in the past and continue to the present. We often use this with 'for' and 'since' (see the the present perfect simple page for more about 'for' and 'since').
Grammatica inglese - Present Perfect Continuous. La forma continua del present perfect, come tutte le altre forme progressive, si costruisce a partire dalla forma -ing del verbo principale e viene adoperata per parlare di azioni e situazioni tuttora in corso di svolgimento, a partire da un dato momento del passato.
Il Present Perfect Continuous è il tempo verbale che viene utilizzato in inglese per parlare di azioni che si sono appena concluse (con in evidenza le ...
The present perfect continuous is used when an action needs to be emphasized that started in the past and is still ongoing in the present : “She has been telling stories all day.”. “I ’ve been waiting for the bus for 30 minutes now.”. It also describes a process that has taken place or is still taking place and that has an effect on ...
El present perfect continuous o presente perfecto continuo puede ser uno de los tiempos verbales más difíciles para los estudiantes de inglés principiantes. Sin embargo, su buen uso permite expresar acciones de rangos de tiempo diferentes a otros tipos de presente, por lo que es muy útil en conversaciones sobre actividades que están en ...
Feb 24, 2021 · A detailed description of the perfect continuous tense. Clear explanations, easy-to-understand examples, useful tips, and helpful practice resources.
Present Perfect Continuous, o present perfect progressive, sirve para expresar que una acción que ha comenzado en el pasado sigue ocurriendo en el presente.
Dado que el present perfect continuous se emplea con frecuencia para hablar del tiempo que ha durado algo, suele ser necesario indicar esa duración. Recuerda que cuando aludimos a un periodo (una semana, un mes, dos años, tres horas…) utilizamos “for”.Pero cuando mencionamos una fecha o un momento concreto como “July 4th”, “last week”, “a few weeks ago” (“el 4 de julio ...
El Present Perfect Continuous (muchas veces se llama también Present Perfect Progressive) se considera como tiempo verbal del presente ya que tiene una conexión muy fuerte con el ahora. En este tiempo verbal con la forma continua es claramente el proceso o la acción que gana importancia en el enunciado. Presta atención a los posibles casos ...
The present perfect continuous tense (also known as the present perfect progressive tense) shows that something started in the past and is continuing at the present time. The present perfect continuous is formed using the construction has/have been + …
La persona che parla sta pensando a qualcosa che è stato iniziato, ma che forse non è ancora terminato, in quel determinato periodo di tempo. La persona è ...
Il present perfect continuous è la forma continuativa del passato prossimo inglese. Essa viene utilizzata per indicare un'attività che è terminata in questo ...
07.09.2020 · Diferencias entre ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ y ‘Present Perfect Simple’ No sólo el ‘Present Perfect Continuous’ y el ‘Present Perfect Simple’ son …
The structure of the Present Perfect Continuous tense is: The first auxiliary (have) is conjugated in the Present Simple: have, has. The second auxiliary (be) is invariable in past participle form: been. The main verb is invariable in present participle form: -ing. For negative sentences we insert not after the first auxiliary verb.
The present perfect continuous is used for actions or events that began in the past and continue into the present. As with the present perfect simple, we use the auxiliary verb “ to have ” as well as “ been ” (the past participle of the verb “ to be ”) and the verb+ing. talking, studying, waiting….
Si usa il Present Perfect Continuous per esprimere un'azione che è appena terminata, che si è prolungata per un certo tempo e la cui conseguenza è evidente in ...